In 2024, the tried-and-true mechanism that has kept his head doing that unnatural turn finally failed. (That’s actually not the only thing that has broken on Cal, but it was the big one this year).
So, I decided to upgrade Cal, and equip him with the new “Smart Head”. Instead of Cal giving a sideways grin at the crowd, turning his head slightly to the left any time he looked “up”, he now has a head that turns to the right or to the left, at random. He has a functioning jaw that opens and closes, at random. He can cock his head to the left or right, (also) at random. These three movements, coupled with the pre-existing head-bob would have been a subtle addition to the prop. But the Smart Head goes farther.
In addition to the movement, the Head brings audio to the table for the first time. Cal can now replay a pre-recorded message, and his jaw-movements follow the sounds being produced. (see the Jawduino post for details).
I recorded a creepy message and manipulated the audio to disguise my voice, then added a motion sensor to Cal’s brain. When left alone, the head goes through its random movement combinations at random intervals and durations, with the common green-eyed glow of the other animated skellies in the Haunt. But when the motion sensor detects someone standing alongside him … in that same position his old head would always look, his eyes change to a possessed red color, and he issues a chilling message. “I see you” with his jaw moving in unison with the words (this is the first of many such comments the denizens of the Haunt will share next year — stay tuned).