I took elements I liked from the generic rocking zombie mech, and decided to try to solve the centering/binding problem.
This version centers the load over the drive arm and incorporates nylon bushings to reduce drag in the rock and pivot joints.
First Mod: I didn’t want to have to bend the pin to keep tracking. I was around for something that was approximately the same size as the hole in the end of the wiper motor arm. To my surpise, a bicycle presta-valve convertor was the perfect size. Then I tried finding something to match the threads on that, and round a variety of valve stem caps. Check out the pointy one! It’s already sloped to accomodate the angle of the pipe.

Second Mod: nylon bushing to reduce drag and tighten up the slop in the movement of the rocker:

Think of this is the hips up to the lower back of a watchman. You would mount legs underneath, and build the back and shoulders above.
Which reminds me… I don’t want the top to be static. I need some movement…
Hey! Check it out! We got a mention from Wicked Makers for this revised design! That’s so cool. Thanks, WM! See their video here and while you’re at it, subscribe to their channel. They do some really cool stuff!